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Storm Drain Art Project

In partnership with Spartanburg Soil and Water Conservation District, we are excited to announce another Storm Drain Art Project.

In 2024, we are bringing the art to the Spartanburg County Library Branches for a total of 10 different sites!

Why Storm Drain Art?

Our goal is to educate the public about the water runoff that flows into storm drains going untreated into our larger waterways. Aside from a few private wells, most of Spartanburg County's drinking water is sourced from surface water. If the runoff is polluted, it will directly affect the quality of our drinking water.

Our hope is to raise awareness about protecting our water for healthier, more resilient communities in Spartanburg County. Being in the Upstate region, we are at the top of the watershed for the rest of the state. So good water quality starts here. If the water that flows out of our county is polluted, we aren't being good neighbors.

Library Storm Drain Sites

Contest opens Friday, January 5, 2024.

Closes Friday, March 1, 2024. 

Email art submissions:

Storm Drain Art Project 2023
Winning Designs

In 2023, we partnered with the Spartanburg Soil and Water Conservation District, to complete the first Storm Drain Art Project in Spartanburg County, along the Butterfly Creek on the
Northside of Spartanburg.
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